Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy Easter!!!!

We had such a WONDERFUL Easter weekend. We went to Matt's it was Carter's first time to the beach and to his grandma and grandpa's!! You should have seen our car...although Expeditions are very spacious, we managed to fill er' up!! I don't know how, considering grandma had most of what Carter needed already at her house. It still looked like we were staying for a month. Traveling is definitely not as spontaneous as it previous was! Carter did great the whole weekend! On Easter, we took him to church for the first time. I was a little nervous he would cry, but he was a superstar and didn't make a peep! After church, we went back to Debbie and Rod's where they made such a YUMMY brunch!! Later we relaxed and then took a walk...such a good day! We can't wait to go back...I think Carter is going to be a beach bum growing up! :) Here are some pics from the past few days and this weekend.....

He has been doing some's amazing :)

Honestly, every time I look at this picture I laugh out loud!! This will definitely go in his wedding slide show someday :)

He's looking at me like "get this hat off off me or else...."

Easter Brunch

With is mama

With his dad

The studious dane...YEAH RIGHT!

Perfect day at the beach

He is loved by these 2!

The fam

His new beach friend Preston

He's thinking "another HAT pic!!"

Cutest baby on the block with his cute Easter outfit

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Getting into a GROOOOVE!! far this has been such a WONDERFUL week with my sweet Carter. I think I may be starting to get the hang of this! At this point it basically works like this: eat...awake for a little while...then sleep. And this is what he does all day long, over and over! He has basically been on the exact same schedule 4 days in a row. Before I had him, I thought "I am going to put him on a schedule right away". Then I quickly realized, I don't think it is possible for me to do that...ahhhhh!!!! Then to my suprise, he has put himself on one...I knew he was a genius :)

We have been taking outings each day, and happy to say...NO MISHAPS...YAY!!!! I am even becoming okay with a quick fuss in public. Today in Old Navy he was making a little noise right before he fell asleep, and I just smiled at people and said, "he's sleepy"! It must be the new laid-back mothering I've taken on....hahahaha!! I have found myself staring at him in the afternoons as he sleeps just thinkning about how very blessed I am to have such an important job, how much I love him, and how I have such a wonderful life in so many areas! I am one lucky girl, that's for sure! And by the way, yesterday morning I think he did his first real smile!!! I would smile at him, and he would do it back. This happened about 7 times! My heart really did melt!! Of course I raced to call Matt and bragged as if he had spoken already :) Here's a peek at these past few days....

I took him to meet the Easter bunny for the first time...I think he really enjoyed it (haha...actually he had no clue, but I enjoyed that's for sure!)

He took his first trip to State Street Deli, one of mom's fav's!

He got to meet one of his Great Grandma's and spend some time with his Grandma

He has only been waking up ONCE a night...such a stud!! Mom and dad are VERY happy!!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Monday, Monday

How long til these fit?!?!?! I try them on him almost daily!!!

This chair is turning out to be a lifesaver!! It used to be when I would turn the water off of my shower it was 50/50 if he was screaming...but he is really starting to like it!! YAY for C and YAY for me!!

Hank's life recently has dramatically changed! I have found myself giving him more treats out of he is lounging with a treat from his mom today!

We have had a GREAT day!! Carter is up to 7.6 lbs and has been happy ALL day!!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

A Weekend of Firsts

Well guys...this was a weekend of first for our little man!! (and his parents too!) First time out to actual dinner with mom and dad, first day trip, first daddy babysitting, first Redland's Bike Classic, and first Gourmet Pizza experience! And now, after a long weekend, Car (something I have started calling him) is home, happy and exhausted!

So....Friday, we took him out to dinner with us, and he didn't make a peep the whole time...just snoozed in his lazy boy, a.k.a. his carseat :)

Saturday, he took his first day trip to Palm Springs for our friend Brian's 30th birthday. He was pretty good, as long as he got to be a part of all the action! And it was nice to be able to hang out with our friends for awhile, and for Carter to get to hang around them too :). But man do you have to pack ALOT of stuff for a short day trip for a little 6 pound man! I need an extra bag just for the diapers!

He wore his "tux" for the big day.....

Now we come to Sunday....I was going to a baby shower and Matt was going to do his first real babysitting!! This morning Matt was telling me the plans he had for them to do. Inside I was laughing and thinking, he has NO CLUE how difficult it is going to be to take him to do that. Now Carter and I have had a few outings together, just the 2 of us. Everytime I try to take him somewhere alone it seems like we have some sort of disaster, peeing through clothes multiple times, bloody murder screaming, spontaneous bouts of hunger out of the norm, needing to pull over numerous times! (After today,I am beginning to think that I am the problem!!)

So, I go to leave for the shower, and I say to Matt "good luuuuuuck", snickering inside. This weekend was the Redland's Bike Classic (a huge bike race people come to from all over the world). Matt decides he is going to take Carter to watch the race. First of all, he puts Carter in the jogger like a big boy , WITHOUT his "lazy boy". This is something I have been too afraid to do, but would make my life ALOT easier. They end up walking VERY VERY FAR, and UPHILL. Sure enough...not a peep from little man! They proceed to watch the race with our friends, with no fussing. He drank a bottle I had pumped and was happy as a clam. This is when I got there and was literally in shock there had been no mishaps! Then, everyone heads downtown to the vendors and to watch the end of the race. We did too...and without ANY problems...not a peep! After that, we head to Gourmet Pizza Shoppe (Carter had another bottle on the way). We sat and had a pizza, with Carter just hanging whimpering...nothing! I will say that once we got to the car we did get some crying...I think he had had enough! All that to say, if I would have tried to do all of this, it would have been a completely different story! Matt is a pretty dang good babysitter, and of course, dad! :)

The boys before their trip..........

And the boys after......

And so I have realized something after this weekend...I AM PARANOID...I don't want to be, but I just am. What can I say, I am my mother's child! Matt doesn't call her "paranoid Pat" for nothing! I worry about taking him to the grocery store...because what happens if he needs his diaper changed or starts to scream, and not to mention, how will I carry everything?? I worry about pretty much going anywhere because of these things, and I think Carter can sense that! This week I want to go to Old Navy, and I am going to go with a new a calm, cool, no worries kind of mom........well I am at least going to try! :)

Friday, March 26, 2010

And Then There Were 3!

So, as many of you know, this is not my first attempt at starting a blog. I will admit my first attempt was a complete failure - but being the persistent person my husband often tells me I am, I am going for it again! Wish me luck :)

Most of you know, but Matt and I welcomed our precious baby boy, Carter Dean Canada, into the world about a month ago, and OH WHAT A MONTH IT HAS BEEN!! Now I know what people were saying about the first 4 weeks being a whirlwind! I am not even sure what has gone on this past month, but it has been life changing and amazing. Thank goodness for the world's best parents (and brothers and sisters) who have helped us beyond what words could describe. We couldn't have done it without them. It has been a month of blessings, challenges, learning experiences, joy, laughter, and a few tears all in 1. Needless to say, Matt and I think Carter is a perfect little man (we know all parents think this about their children, but he really is), and we are so grateful that God chose us to take care of this special gift. It's hard to believe that just about a month ago we were still waiting to meet our little guy, time is flying by already. 1 month down....and a lifetime more to come...let the journey begin!

A look into our first month...